Sunday, April 18, 2021, 7 PM
Online via YouTube

Join us for the premiere of From Lament to Alleluia! You will enjoy music from past Choral Arts Society concerts by composer-in-residence Karel Suchy. You are also invited to the video-conference “afterglow.” The presentation will be offered free of charge, but we sould greatly appreciate your donations.

This video will present choral works recorded live at CAS performances. “Understanding” was recorded in May 2013. “Bedford Sonus I” and “American Oratorio” premiered in CAS’s first local composers’ concert in May 2104. “Alleluia for Love” premiered in March 2015 and “Lament for Love” in March 2016. “What do you mean?” was recorded in March 2019 during Locally Grown II. These compositions often layer choral music, instrumental music, vocal solos, and spoken word.

  • “Bedford Sonus I” reflects the influence of Suchy’s expertise as a structural/architectural engineer on his musical composition. This work utilizes architectural and acoustic elements of the Frances Bedford hall at UW-Parkside.
  • “What do you mean?” is dedicated to all refugees. It draws extensively on the World War II childhood memoirs of two members of a family of Black Sea Germans. Ethnic Germans had settlements in Ukraine and Crimea beginning in the late 18th century. During the mid 20th century, danger from the Soviet Union and World War II required them to flee their homes. This family was separated, endured great hardhsip, and eventually arrived in southeastern Wisconsin. The chorus lyrics, “I was hungry, I was naked, I was scared. You fed me, you held me, you gave me clothes,” are derived from Matthew chapter 25.
  • “Understanding” is a plea for direction when applying our own limited creativity in God’s world. “The lyrics are based on Job 38. The sections in 4/4 meter represent the voice of God speaking to Job. The sections in 6/8 meter repeat a simple prayer, reflecting the voice of the individual and of all humanity seeking deeper faith, growth, and understanding of God’s creation.
  • “American Oratorio” uses spoken-word quotations about Americans, by Americans, in 30-second (TV commercial-length) segments.
  • “Lament for Love” expresses the bittersweet, or at times just bitter, aspects of love. Poetry about love longed for and lost is spoken and sung by soloists and chorus.
  • “Alleluia for Love” is a celebration of love and intimacy. The spoken-word text draws from the Song of Solomon.
Premiering Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Afterglow – From Lament to Alleluia
Sunday, April 18 · 8:15 – 9:00pm
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